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Name Description
CG-CAT Comparative Genomics - Contig Arrangement Toolsuite binary file
Src Package Comparative Genomics - Contig Arrangement Toolsuite source package


The CG-CAT toolsuite is written in Java and need at least Java Version 6 or newer installed on your system. Java is available for most common systems from different vendors. CG-CAT toolsuite was tested with Oracle Java and OpenJDK.

Startup instructions

The Java archive itself contains both tools (r2cat and treecat). Assuming the downloaded archive is in the current directory you can start r2cat with

java -Xmx1024M -cp r2cat.jar de.bielefeld.uni.cebitec.r2cat.R2cat

and treecat with

java -Xmx1024M -cp r2cat.jar de.bielefeld.uni.cebitec.treecat.Treecat

on command line. If you want to match larger sequences, increase the -Xmx memory parameter. Attention! To use more than 4 Gb you need a 64 Bit capable system and you may also add -d64 as startup argument (depending on OS).

In case of problems running a tool from the Contig Arragement Toolsuite from command line feel free to contact us. CG-CAT is licenced under GPL licence and also available from GitHub.