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GUUGle efficiently locates potential helical regions under RNA base pairing rules, which include Watson-Crick as well as G-U pairs. It takes two Fasta files as input.

Default Function

In-/Output values

INPUT :: Target Sequence

The 'Target' sequence input accepts a set of RNA sequences in different formats.

INPUT :: Query Sequence

The 'Query' sequence input accepts a set of RNA sequences in different formats.

OUTPUT :: Output

The 'Query' sequence input accepts a set of RNA sequences in different formats.


Name Description
Match at least The output matches at least with this length.
Target Seeds extended by x bases If option 'Target Seeds extended by x bases' is used, the output mode changes. The matching target sequences are reported, and extended by given bases in either direction, if possible. The output mode now is similiar to Fasta format.
Output Limit Limit the number of outputs to the given constraint
Show Match Length Distribution Shows the match length dsitribution
If you need to create larger output than we permit for online use, or want to incorporate GUUGle into your own pipeline, please download the GUUGle program.