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Divide-and-Conquer Multiple Sequence Alignment ( DCA) is a program for producing fast, high quality simultaneous multiple sequence alignments of amino acid, RNA, or DNA sequences. The program is based on the DCA algorithm, a heuristic approach to sum-of-pairs (SP) optimal alignment that has been developed at the FSPM over the years 1995-97.

AA Multiple Sequence Alignment

Producing fast, high quality simultaneous multiple sequence alignments of amino acid sequences.

NA Multiple Sequence Alignment

Producing fast, high quality simultaneous multiple sequence alignments of RNA, or DNA sequences.

In-/Output values

INPUT :: Multiple NA Sequences

DCA supports RNA or DNA input sequences.

INPUT :: Multiple AA Sequences

DCA supports amino acid input sequences.

OUTPUT :: Multiple Sequence NA Alignment

The output of DCA is an alignment of your input NA sequences.

OUTPUT :: Multiple Sequence AA Alignment

The output of DCA is an alignment of your input AA sequences.


Name Description
Approximate Cut Positions

The last, most time consuming phase of the search for cut positions can be deactivated so that the sequences are cut at approximate slicing positions, which generally yields slightly less accurate but often much faster alignments.

Fast DCA

For more than about six distantly related sequences one cannot expect to find combinations of cut positions with a multiple additional cost of zero since, for any diverged sequence-family, the 'total incompatibility' - estimated by the minimal multiple additional cost, here denoted by C opt - increases considerably with the number of sequences considered. Moreover, we have developed a heuristic procedure called MinC (see Perrey & Stoye, 1996) which computes approximations to C opt , and it has been shown that the cut positions resulted from this heuristic, called MinC -optimal cut positions, are often very close to (or even equal to) the C -optimal cut positions (see Stoye, 1997). Therefore, the standard version of DCA uses by far the most time for either finding only slightly better combinations of cut positions than the approximate ones computed by MinC , or for verifying that the MinC -optimal combinations are already C -optimal.

Moreover, C -optimal combinations of cut positions themselves represent only approximations to those of the sum-of-pairs score optimal, so that it is rather natural to avoid the full exponential-time exhaustive search for C -optimal cut positions and use those of MinC directly to cut the sequences. Such a version of the DCA alignment algorithm is significantly faster and therefore is able to align far more sequences than the original algorithm. Thus, we define the Fast Divide and Conquer Alignment algorithm, short FDCA, to be the modified DCA procedure which directly uses MinC -optimal cut positions and hence avoids the time-consuming search for C -optimal cut positions.

Free shift DCA by default does not penalize gaps at either end of the sequences to make the compensation of differences in the length of the sequences free of charge. This free shift option can be deactivated.
Weight Intensity

The weight intensity lambda can be set to any value between 0 (no weighting) and 1.0 (max. weighting).

The logic for introducing the weight parameters (from which a simple version is implemented in DCA) is the following: In general, any set of related biological sequences contains some sequences which are more closely related to one another than to the remaining ones, and highlighting their similarity, at least to some extent, might often be more important than forcing them to independently conform to the patterns of the other sequences. On the other hand, as almost any sample of sequences is biased in one way or the other (even, most probably, the sample provided by Nature itself), a perhaps over-represented subset of highly homologous sequences in a data set should not be allowed through its sheer size to force all the other sequences to conform to its patterns. Both goals, highlighting similarity between closely related sequences and discounting over-representation of certain subclasses of sequences can (hopefully) be achieved by choosing appropriate weight factors.

In our context, it seems biologically plausible to give higher weights to the more similar pairs of sequences, as having them aligned optimally should be more important than aligning two fairly unrelated sequences optimally on the expense of worsening a good alignment of closely related sequences.
Window Size

To correct the alignment in the proximity of division sites, the sequences can be re-aligned inside a window of size W >= 0. In general a higher value leads to better alignments and slower computation.

Recursion Stop Size The recursion stop can be set to any number L >= 1. Of course, too large an L (e.g. L > 100) can result in very long running times and very big memory usage due to the resulting MSA-runs. On the other hand, too small an L (e.g. L < 5) can result in empty subsequences at the end of the iteration which may lead to bad alignments.
Substitution matrix DCA provides following substituion matrices:
  • RNA
  • DNA
  • unit cost
Substitution matrix DCA provides following substituion matrices:
  • PAM160
  • Blosum30
  • Blosum45
  • Blosum62
  • unit cost

Simultaneous Multiple Sequence Alignment

This page gives some background on the problem of finding sum-of-pairs multiple sequence alignments, which are approximated by DCA. The text is from the definition section of Stoye, 1997. For further reference on alignments and similar concepts, see e.g. (Sankoff & Kruskal, 1983; Doolittle, 1990; Waterman, 1995; Morgenstern et al., 1997).

Sequence Alignments

Suppose that we are given a family $S = (\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _1,\ldots,\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _k)$of k sequences:

\begin{eqnarray*}\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _1 & = & s_{11} \, s_{12} \ldots s_{1n_... ...ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _k & = & s_{k1} \, s_{k2} \ldots s_{kn_k} \end{eqnarray*}

of various lengths n 1 to n k , where each sequence entry s ij represents a letter from a given finite alphabet ${\cal A}$. An alignment of the sequences S is a matrix $M = (m_{ij})_{1\leq i\leq k, 1\leq j\leq N}$ where

  • $m_{ij}\in{\cal A}\cup\{-\}$, with `- ' denoting the gap letter supposed not to be contained in ${\cal A}$,
  • the rows $\ensuremath{\mathbf{m}} _l := m_{l1}\ldots m_{lN}$ of M considered as sequences of symbols from ${\cal A}\cup\{-\}$, reproduce the sequences $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _l$upon elimination of the gap letters $(1\leq l\leq k)$,
  • the matrix M has no column, only containing gaps.
We denote the set of all alignments of S by M S (see also Morgenstern et al., 1997 for a more general definition of alignment).

The Sum-of-Pairs Alignment Problem

Next, assume that for each pair of rows $\ensuremath{\mathbf{m}} _p$ and $\ensuremath{\mathbf{m}} _q$ in an alignment, a (non-negative) score function $w(\ensuremath{\mathbf{m}} _p,\ensuremath{\mathbf{m}} _q)$ has been defined which measures the quality of the alignment of $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _p$ and $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _q$defined by these two rows (upon elimination of common gaps), and denote by $w_{opt}(\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _p,\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _q)$ the minimum of $w(\ensuremath{\mathbf{m}} _p,\ensuremath{\mathbf{m}} _q)$, taken over all alignments $M \in M_{\{\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _p,\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _q\}}$(which we suppose to vanish if and only if $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _p$ coincides with $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _q$). See Waterman, 1995 for a thorough discussion of score functions for pairwise alignment and note that, as an alternative to minimizing a dissimilarity score, one may also aim to maximise an appropriately defined similarity score.

The weighted sum-of-pairs score (Altschul & Lipman, 1989) for an alignment $M\in M_S$ relative to a given family of (generally non-negative) weight parameters $\alpha_{p,q}\:(1\le p&lt;q \le k)$ is now defined by \begin{displaymath}w(M) := \sum_{1\leq p&lt;q\leq k} \alpha_{p,q}\cdot w(\ensuremath{\mathbf{m}} _p,\ensuremath{\mathbf{m}} _q). \end{displaymath}The multiple alignment problem then is to find matrices $M\in M_S$ whose weighted sum of pairs score w(M) is minimal.

Sequence Weights

The logic for introducing the weight parameters $\alpha_{p,q}$ (from which a simple version is implemented in DCA, see below) is the following: In general, any set of related biological sequences contains some sequences which are more closely related to one another than to the remaining ones, and highlighting their similarity, at least to some extent, might often be more important than forcing them to independently conform to the patterns of the other sequences. On the other hand, as almost any sample of sequences is biased in one way or the other (even, most probably, the sample provided by Nature itself), a perhaps over-represented subset of highly homologous sequences in a data set should not be allowed through its sheer size to force all the other sequences to conform to its patterns. Both goals, highlighting similarity between closely related sequences and discounting over-representation of certain subclasses of sequences can (hopefully) be achieved by choosing appropriate weight factors.

In our context, it seems biologically plausible to give higher weights to the more similar pairs of sequences, as having them aligned optimally should be more important than aligning two fairly unrelated sequences optimally on the expense of worsening a good alignment of closely related sequences. Therefore, our internal sequence weights are computed by the following formula:

\begin{eqnarray*}\alpha_{p,q} & := & \left\{\begin{array}{ll} 1 & \mathtt{if}\ \... ...e}}% {\mathit{maxscore}} & \mathtt{otherwise} \end{array}\right. \end{eqnarray*}

where $\mathit{minscore}\! :=\! \min_{1\leq i&lt;j\leq k}\{\overline{w_{opt}}(\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _i,\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _j)\}$, $\mathit{maxscore}\! :=\! \max_{1\leq i&lt;j\leq k} \{\overline{w_{opt}}(\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _i,\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _j)\}$, and $\lambda$ is a (user-specifiable) parameter, the weight intensity. The weight intensity may be set to any value between $\lambda = 1$(maximum weighting: smallest weights for (p,q) with $\overline{w_{opt}}(\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _p,\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _q)=\mathit{maxscore}$, highest weights $\alpha_{p,q}=1$for (p,q) with $\overline{w_{opt}}(\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _p,\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _q)=\mathit{minscore}$) and $\lambda = 0$(no weighting: $\alpha_{p,q}=1$ for all $1\leq p&lt;q\leq k$).

Dynamic Programming

It is well known that the multiple sequence alignment problem can be solved optimally by dynamic programming with a running time proportional to $(2^k - 1) \cdot \prod_{i=1}{k} n_i$, searching for a shortest alignment path in a directed graph with $\prod_{i=1}^k n_i$ vertices. Faster variants and a number of speed-ups have therefore been proposed: the most successful concepts are implemented in the alignment tool MSA (see the MSA home page) which is based on a branch-and-bound technique developed by Carrillo & Lipman (1988), efficiently implemented by Gupta et al., 1995.

However, due to the fact than the multiple sequence alignment problem is NP-complete (Wang and Jiang, 1994), any attempt of developing a fast algorithm to compute optimal multiple sequence alignments is expected to fail.

That is why most of the practical alignment programs are based on heuristics producing near-optimal alignments. The fastest, so-called iterative alignment methods, progressively align pairs of sequences. In contrast - although heuristically as well - DCA aligns the sequences simultaneously.

Simultaneous versus Iterative Multiple Alignments

This page is hypertext adaptation of a section from Perrey et al., 1997. For other surveys on multiple sequence alignment on the Web, see e.g. that of Georg F��llen.

Iterative Alignment Methods

Iterative alignment methods (such as Clustal W, see also BCM Search Launcher: Multiple Sequence Alignments) are very fast, and they can align, in principle, any number of sequences. Over the years, they have successfully incorporated growing biological knowledge regarding e.g. the use of appropriate substitution matrices, region-dependent gap-penalties and weighting schemes (see for instance Thompson et al., 1994). The resulting alignments are quite acceptable for families of moderately diverged sequences. Yet, when it comes to align a family of highly diverged sequences, they easily run into local, but not necessarily global optima, - a risk which is of course inherent in any hill-climbing bottom-up method.

In addition, while a simultaneous alignment procedure (such as MSA or DCA) tries to optimize some well-defined score function for multiple sequence alignment (e.g. the weighted sum-of-pairs score, see also Altschul & Lipman, 1989), iterative methods often do not even accept such a function (which might be tested for its biological significance and improved) as a standard of truth.

A further problem of iterative alignment procedures is that their results depend crucially on the precalculated order in which the sequences are processed , while simultaneous alignment procedures take all sequences into account simultaneously and therefore do not depend on any precalculated grouping of the sequences in question.

Most importantly, iterative methods perform a series of pairwise alignments whereby pairs of more closely related sequences - or pairs of already aligned subfamilies of sequences - are considered first. This can go wrong for the following reasons:

1. There is often more than one optimal alignment for any given pair of sequences - or pair of already aligned subfamilies - so that an arbitrary decision has to be made for choosing one of those for further consideration (at least, unless additional effort is spent to find out which of those might be biologically the most plausible one - or to keep track of all of them). 2. Optimal alignments are often highly sensitive with respect to parameter changes, in particular, when more distantly related sequences (or subfamilies) are to be aligned. Consequently, the set of optimal pairwise alignments one has to choose from may depend strongly on the parameters used in the calculation. 3. Once all members of some closely related subfamily have been considered, the alignment of this subfamily is locked so that any more distantly related sequences can never have an influence on this sub-alignment. Yet, it was noticed that reopening such a locked alignment for performing pairwise alignments of two subfamilies or simultaneous three-way alignments often improves the overall alignment. However, even these procedures are still based on locking some sub-alignments.

Simultaneous Alignment Methods

Simultaneous alignment procedures offer the following advantages over iterative ones: 1. Because such procedures align a family of sequences in one step, the ``multiple optima problem'' does not present itself at all in the construction process. Of course, there can also be more than one ``final'' optimal alignment of the whole sequence family. However, at this final stage, that might actually present quite interesting and valuable information, e.g. for figuring out ``uncertain alignment sites''. 2. More often than not, a simultaneous alignment procedure should be more robust against parameter changes than procedures based on pairwise alignments, particularly for data sets consisting of a comparatively large number of sequences. 3. Already D.J. Lipman et al. (Lipman et al., 1989) observed that the quality of a simultaneous alignment of a sequence family (quality in terms of the number of alignment sites which agree with an alignment based on the structure of the molecules involved) generally increases with the number of members in that family. And they observed that that quality can even be increased by including one or two ``outgroup sequences'' - that is, more distantly related sequences - in a simultaneous alignment procedure, a fact which almost by definition cannot hold for iterative procedures.

The Problem of Choosing Alignment Parameters

A further problem in biological sequence alignment is that given any two sequences, their biologically most plausible pairwise alignment often is not optimal but just suboptimal, and sometimes remains suboptimal even after trying carefully and specifically to optimize the employed set of alignment parameters with regard to the sequences in question. The reason for this is that the mutation process in different areas of a biomolecule can hardly be modelled by one and the same model, and in particular not by a model which presupposes the validity of some kind of a general stochastic Fermat Principle for such a process. For instance, it is well-known that the residues in biomolecular sequences are often correlated and do not evolve by some purely stochastic mutation process, independently of the remaining residues. Yet, because these correlations are very difficult to model correctly and, provided even that that could be achieved, are almost impossible to handle computationally, almost all alignment procedures (including MSA and DCA, so far) employ a single substitution cost matrix across the entire sequence. And even more problems arise when it comes to model appropriately the probabilities for the occurrence of insertions and deletions.

Yet, it is virtually impossible to handle all possibly relevant suboptimal alignments in a computationally acceptable way because, unfortunately, the number of alignments to be taken into consideration generally grows enormously upon even the slightest relaxation of the optimality criterion (Waterman, 1983). Therefore, iterative methods can go wrong in

  • always choosing the optimal alignment for the most closely related pairs of sequences, as well as
  • choosing the optimal alignment of already aligned subfamilies, - thereby inducing, of course, some sort of suboptimal alignment between members of different subfamilies which in turn strongly depend on the alignment parameters and the precalculated hierarchy.
Instead, a simultaneous alignment procedure forces every pair of sequences into a certain suboptimal pairwise alignment, depending on all other sequences of the family to be aligned, because it attempts to optimize an overall score function. As it happens, these suboptimal pairwise alignments often are the biologically (more) plausible ones, because they are calculated relative to the other sequences of the family under consideration (see the example below).

It was also noticed that phylogenetic trees calculated from sequence alignments produced by iterative methods had a bias towards the tree that these methods used just for processing the sequences (Lake, 1991; Thorne & Kishino, 1992). In contrast, an alignment procedure which takes all the sequences to be aligned into account simultaneously, produces alignments for subsequent phylogenetic tree reconstruction which are not biased by a previously chosen ``guide tree''.

The DCA Algorithm

This page gives a brief overview of the mathematics and algorithmics behind DCA. More thorough descriptions can be found in the journal articles on the DCA references page.

Basic Algorithm

The general idea of DCA is rather simple: Each sequence is cut in two behind a suitable cut position somewhere close to its midpoint. This way, the problem of aligning one family of (long) sequences is divided into the two problems of aligning two families of (shorter) sequences, the prefix and the suffix sequences. This procedure is re-iterated until the sequences are sufficiently short - say, shorter than a pregiven stop size L which is a parameter of DCA - so that they can be aligned optimally by MSA. Finally, the resulting short alignments are concatenated, yielding a multiple alignment of the original sequences. The following figure sketches this general procedure.


Computing Cut Positions

Of course, the main difficulty with this approach is how to identify those cut-position combinations which lead to an optimal or - at least - close to optimal concatenated alignment. Here, a heuristic based on so-called additional-cost matrices which are used for quantifying the compatibility of cut positions in distinct sequences proved to be successful.

More precisely, given a sequence $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} = s_1s_2\ldots s_n$ of length n and a cut position $c\:(0\leq c\leq n)$, we denote by $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} (\leq c)$ the prefix sequence $s_1s_2\ldots s_c$ and by $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} (&gt;c)$ the suffix sequence $s_{c+1}s_{c+2}\ldots s_{n}$, and we use the dynamic programming procedure to compute, for all pairs of sequences $(\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _p,\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _q)$and for all cut positions c p of $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _p$ and c q of $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _q$, the additional cost $C_{\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _p,\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _q}[c_p,c_q]$defined by \begin{displaymath}C_{\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _p,\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _q}[c_p... ...w_{opt}(\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _p,\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _q) \end{displaymath}which quantifies the additional charge imposed by forcing the alignment of $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _p$ and $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _q$ to optimally align the two prefix sequences $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _p(\leq c_p)$ and $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _q(\leq c_q)$ as well as the two suffix sequences $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _p(&gt; c_p)$ and $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _q(&gt; c_q)$, rather than aligning $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _p$and $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _q$ optimally. The following figure illustrates this definition.


The calculation of the matrices $C_{\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _p,\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _q}$ is performed in time $O(\vert\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _p\vert \cdot \vert\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _q\vert)$by computing forward and reverse matrices in a similar way as described by Vingron & Argos, 1991. Note that there exists, for every fixed cut position $\hat c_p$ of $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _p$, at least one cut position $c_q(\hat c_p)$ of $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _q$with $C_{\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _p,\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _q}[\hat c_p,c_q(\hat c_p)] = 0$ which can be computed easily from any optimal pairwise alignment of $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _p$ and $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _q$. The problem multiple alignments have to face, is that given a cut position $\hat c_r$ of $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _r$, the optimal cut position $c_q\left(c_p(\hat c_r)\right)$ of $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _q$relative to the cut position $c_p(\hat c_r)$ of $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _p$ might not coincide with the optimal cut position $c_q\left(\hat c_r\right)$ of $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _q$ relative to the cut position $\hat c_r$ of $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _r$. In other words, pairwise optimal alignments may be incompatible with one another - much in analogy to frustrated systems considered in statistical physics.

To search for good k -tuples of cut positions, we therefore define the multiple additional charge $C(c_1,\ldots,c_k)$imposed by slicing the sequences at any given k -tuple of cut positions $(c_1,\ldots,c_k)$ as a weighted sum of secondary charges over all projections (c p ,c q ) , that is, we put

\begin{displaymath}C(c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_k)\;:=\; \sum_{1\leq p&lt;q\leq k}\alpha_{p,q... ...nsuremath{\mathbf{s}} _p,\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _q}[c_p,c_q], \end{displaymath}where the $\alpha_{p,q}$ are the sequence-dependent weight factors defined in context of weighted sum-of-pairs alignment score.

Our proposition is now that using those k -tuples as the preferred cut-position combinations that minimize - for a given fixed cut position $\hat c_p$ of, say, the longest sequence $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _p$which we choose in the middle of that sequence - the value $C(c_1,\ldots,c_{p-1},\hat c_p,c_{p+1},\ldots,c_k)$ over all cut positions $c_1,\ldots,$ $c_{p-1},c_{p+1},\ldots,c_k$ of $\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _1,\ldots,\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _{p-1},\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _{p+1},\ldots,\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _k$, respectively, will result in very good, if not optimal multiple alignments because, in this way, the mutual frustration is distributed as fairly as possible.


In conclusion, reiterating this process until all sequences in any given subsequence family have a length not exceeding the stop size L , DCA simply performs the following general procedure:

\begin{tabular}{llll} \multicolumn{4}{l}{{\bf Algorithm} {\it DCA}$\,(\,\ensurem... ...ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _2, \ldots,\ensuremath{\mathbf{s}} _k)$ .} \end{tabular}

The subroutine calc-cut computes a C -optimal k -tuple of cut positions as described above (for details regarding suitable branch-and-bound approaches towards that optimization problem, see Stoye et al., 1997; Perrey & Stoye, 1996; Brinkmann et al., 1997).

Fast DCA

For more than about six distantly related sequences one cannot expect to find combinations of cut positions with a multiple additional cost of zero since, for any diverged sequence-family, the ``total incompatibility'' - estimated by the minimal multiple additional cost, here denoted by C opt - increases considerably with the number of sequences considered. Moreover, we have developed a heuristic procedure called MinC (see Perrey & Stoye, 1996) which computes approximations to C opt , and it has been shown that the cut positions resulted from this heuristic, called MinC -optimal cut positions, are often very close to (or even equal to) the C -optimal cut positions (see Stoye, 1997). Therefore, the standard version of DCA uses by far the most time for either finding only slightly better combinations of cut positions than the approximate ones computed by MinC , or for verifying that the MinC -optimal combinations are already C -optimal.

Moreover, C -optimal combinations of cut positions themselves represent only approximations to those of the sum-of-pairs score optimal, so that it is rather natural to avoid the full exponential-time exhaustive search for C -optimal cut positions and use those of MinC directly to cut the sequences. Such a version of the DCA alignment algorithm is significantly faster and therefore is able to align far more sequences than the original algorithm. Thus, we define the Fast Divide and Conquer Alignment algorithm, short FDCA, to be the modified DCA procedure which directly uses MinC -optimal cut positions and hence avoids the time-consuming search for C -optimal cut positions.